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Understanding Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

May 8, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

INTRO: Healthy bones are a blessing from God. Diseased ones are a scourge. Health and well- being are the pivotal points of life today. So, can bone health be put on the back burner? Certainly not! Do you care about your bones? If yes, read about osteoarthritis. It is a commonly reported joint ailment with a gradually increasing prevalence in India.

ARTICLE: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease. It affects the joints in the body. Besides the knees, osteoarthritis affects joints, including those found in the arms, neck, lower back, and hips. Apart from the cartilage, osteoarthritis also causes degeneration of tendons and ligaments, the joint lining called synovium, and the meniscus found in the knee.

The cartilage, tendons, ligaments, the synovium that lines the joints, and the meniscus in the knee act like cushions to ensure the smooth function of our joints. But these can corrode with advancing age and for various other reasons discussed further in this article. This prevents our joints from functioning smoothly and causes pain. This gradual decomposition of these joint linings is called osteoarthritis.

Meaning of  Osteoarthritis

Let’s explore osteoarthritis meaning. Osteoarthritis combines ‘osteo’ (Greek meaning ‘of the bones’) and ‘arthritis’ (a combination of ‘arthro’-‘joint’ and ‘itis’-‘swelling’). Hence, osteoarthritis meaning is ‘a disease related to the wear and tear of tissues’.

The erosion of tissues is a gradual process. Osteoarthritis usually affects the elderly. Though there is no known incidence of death due to osteoarthritis, we make no bones about the fact that people suffering from it are at risk of premature death. Studies have revealed that patients suffering from osteoarthritis are at a higher risk of premature death than other people.

Please do not be alarmed! The risk of osteoarthritis can be reduced by eating healthy, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and having regular visits to your doctor, who will advise you on ways and means of keeping your bones healthy as per your age. Foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and phosphorous can help fight osteoarthritis.

We aim to help you understand what osteoarthritis is. Let’s discuss osteoarthritis meaning in Hindi, our mother tongue, to understand this disease accurately.

Osteoarthritis Meaning In Hindi:

ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस मानव हड्डिय ों से सोंबोंड्डित एक अपक्षयी र ग है। इसमें शरीर के ज ड़ कमज़ र ह जाते हैं। जैसा ड्डक ऊपर अोंग्रेजी भाषा में पहले ही वड्डणित ड्डकया गया है, ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस ग्रीक भाषा के शब्द ‘ऑस्टिय ‘ याड्डन ‘हड्डिय ों का’, ‘आर्थ्रो’ मतलब ज ड़’ और ‘आइड्डिस’ माने ‘सूजन’ के सोंय जन से बना है। ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस ऊतक ों के अि: पतन से सोंबोंड्डित एक बीमारी है। यह समस्या ज़्यादातर बढ़ती उम्र के ल ग ों से ही सोंबोंड्डित ह ती है। अड्डपतु, ड्डकसी कारणवश ऊतक ों के क्षरण की स्टिड्डि कम उम्र के ल ग ों में भी उत्पन्न ह सकती है ड्डजसकी वजह से जवान और बच्चे भी ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस से ग्रड्डसत ह सकते हैं। इसड्डलए अपनी हड्डिय ों का ख़्याल रखना हर हर आयु वगि के ल ग ों के ड्डलए अड्डनवायि है।

Now that you have read osteoarthritis meaning in Hindi, we hope that you have a better understanding of what this disease is. Now let’s discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of osteoarthritis.

Reasons For Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis causes generally include:
1. Genetics
2. Medical history
3. Aging
4. Obesity
5. Congenital abnormalities
6. Overuse of joints
7. Malnutrition

Besides the osteoarthritis causes shared above, a sedentary lifestyle, an improper diet, medical reasons specific to people of a certain age and gender, and even the side effects of certain medications and foods could account for osteoarthritis causes.

Early Signs and Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis:

Given below are some of the osteoarthritis symptoms.

1. Sensitivity or pain in the affected joint
2. Swelling
3. Discomfort while moving
4. Growth in the bone of the affected joint
5. Rigidity in the ailing joint
6. Creaking sound

Osteoarthritis symptoms, too, can vary from one person to another. Besides a patient’s medical history, osteoarthritis symptoms also depend on a person’s lifestyle and eating habits.


If any of these osteoarthritis symptoms ring a bell and you or one of your acquaintances suffer from osteoarthritis, we advise you to contact us. We are highly competent and fully equipped to offer you relief from the pain that you are suffering from. Our competence in the field of orthopaedics remains unmatched to date. Our trailblazing technology and team of consummate orthopaedic specialists have solutions to all your orthopaedic problems, including osteoarthritis.

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