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Meet the Best Urology Doctors for Kidney Treatment

Department of Urology

Urology is the branch of medicine that focuses on urinary and reproductive organs. The urology field is vast and complex. Many diseases and abnormalities can occur within the genitourinary system. Urologists evaluate and treat any abnormality pertaining to urinary tract and male reproductive health.

The urinary tract and genitals are closely related, and disorders in one often affect the other. Therefore, in the field of genitourinary disorders, various conditions are treated in urology. Urology combines the treatment of diseases such as urinary tract infections, kidney/Bladder stones, cancer of kidney/bladder/prostate, congenital abnormalities, trauma, and other urine related problems.

The Department of Urology at Amandeep Hospitals provides comprehensive care for people suffering from various urological diseases.

Best Urologist In Amritsar, Pathankot and Jammu

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Amandeep Hospital employs state-of-the-art infrastructure and highly skilled urologists to deliver unparalleled diagnosis and treatment for urological disorders. We also have the latest technology and equipment for diagnosis and minimally invasive surgical treatment.

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List of Urological diseases and their treatment

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as benign prostatic enlargement (BPE), is a common condition in men as they age. An enlarged prostate can cause troublesome urinary symptoms, such as blockage of urine in the bladder, and can be a reason for problems with your bladder, urinary tract, or kidneys. There are several effective treatments for BPH, including medications, minimally invasive treatments, and surgery.

Bladder cancer

Cancer refers to the development of abnormal cells in the body. Bladder cancer begins in the bladder’s inner lining, known as urothelium. Most bladder cancers are detectable early when treatments are highly effective, and the disease has not spread beyond the bladder. But like other cancers, bladder cancer can sometimes come back and spread through the bloodstream and other organs. The best way to prevent bladder cancer is to screen regularly for changes in your urine.

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Erectile dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction is the incapacity to achieve and maintain an erection strong enough to have satisfactory intercourse. Sometimes erection problems are not necessarily a concern. However, if erectile dysfunction is a persistent problem, it can cause stress, affect self-confidence, and exacerbate relationship problems. In addition, having or having trouble maintaining an erection can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires treatment and may be a risk factor for heart disease.

Kidney cancer

Kidney Cancer is a disease that occurs when your kidney changes cells in the organ’s tissue. The cancer problem may begin with an infection, injury, or other processes that effectively destroy normal healthy cells in the organ’s lining and create wounds that allow more malignant cancerous cells to spread into more of the kidney’s tubules than usual.

Most kidney cancers are detected before it has spread (metastasize) to distant organs, and cancers found early are easier to treat successfully. However, these tumours can become quite large before they are detected.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are tiny, hard crystals that form inside the kidney. They usually pass out of your body in your urine, but sometimes they can block the passage of urine. If part of the stone becomes lodged in your urinary tract, it can cause pain and bleeding and may even require surgery. Untreated kidney stones for a long time can lead to kidney failure.

Kidney stones result from factors including diet, weight, and the way the body handles fluids.

People who drink less water can get kidney stones more often. Certain medications and some types of medical conditions can also cause kidney stones. Stones can affect any part of the urinary tract.

Pediatric urology

Pediatric urology is a specialized specialty of pediatric medicine, specifically dealing with children’s genitourinary system disorders. It involves the surgical care of newborns through young adults, treating both male and female disorders that may affect urination, reproduction, or testis development.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is common cancer in men and can occur anywhere in the prostate gland. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and confine to the prostate gland, which may not cause serious harm, but it is important to diagnose and detect prostate cancer at an early stage before it reaches metastasize.

Reconstructive urology

Reconstructive urology is the surgery to repair the urinary tract. You might require this surgery if you have had an injury, congenital disabilities, medical conditions, or complications from surgery or other treatment. Your healthcare providers may perform reconstructive urology to reroute urine flow around an obstruction in your urinary tract. They may also rebuild your bladder or other parts of your urinary tract.

Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is cancer that grows from the cells inside one or both testicles. It most often begins as a small lump called a “nodule.” Testicular cancer usually can’t be felt until it has become a large tumour, causing enlarged, swollen testicles. Testicular cancer is a potentially deadly disease that begins in the tissues of your testicles. It often starts as a small, solid lump that feels like a pea or peanut in the scrotum or as a pea-sized swell on one side of the testicle. But it can also develop as a fluid-filled growth.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition that affects the urinary tract. It is a problem with bladder function. It is a symptom of an underlying medical illness or disorder resulting from injury or trauma, menopause, genetics, drugs, surgical procedures, childbirth, or ageing.

Treatment of prostate enlargement:

TURP (Monopolar, Bipolar)

The bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a procedure to relieve symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.TURP is a surgical intervention used to remove excess prostate tissue in patients with BPH.It is a gold standard surgery for BPH and is totally stitchless.

Laser Prostatectomy (HoLEP)

Prostate laser surgery is the latest technology for treatment of prostate which are very large in size like (100gm).


TUIP (Transurethral incision of the prostate) is one of several minimally invasive treatment options for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It has the advantages of minimal damage to the surrounding tissues, quick recovery, and a low risk of life-threatening complications. TUIP involves a special instrument inserted through the urethra to incise a section of the prostate gland.
Stitch-less and keyhole surgery for Kidney and Ureteral stones:


Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) is the most minimally invasive method of stone removal. These diagnostic scopes are specially designed for visualizing stones in the urinary tract, and the kidney. Surgeons can virtually visualize any area of the urinary system with flexible scopes.No incision is given in this surgery. It is the latest technology for treatment of kidney stones.


Procedure consists of making a small incision called CKM in the back and removing the stone through it. The small incision is then closed with one stitch, and usually, this non-invasive procedure does not take too much time, and the person can bear lightweight within a couple of days and go back to their everyday life.


Ureteroscope is a device used for breaking up ureteric stones. However, it can also get smaller stones out of the urinary tract, such as the ureter or bladder. Our Ureteroscope is non-invasive and can be safely used in patients with no contraindications. It uses lasers to transmit the Holmium laser energy that breaks up kidney stones and facilitates their removal through the urethra and urination.

Kidney transplantation

Kidney transplantation is the process in which the kidneys are surgically removed from a deceased or live organ donor and placed into a person with chronic kidney failure. The transplanted kidney immediately starts working and performs all the functions that a normal kidney does. In other words, it helps filter and remove waste products and excess fluids from the blood, regulate blood pressure, and maintain bone health.

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Laparoscopic Nephrectomy

Laparoscopic nephrectomy is a procedure in which a surgeon makes a small incision in the abdominal wall and inserts a surgical instrument ports to remove part or all of the kidney. Laparoscopic surgery allows the surgeon to perform the procedure from a standing position to limit injury to other abdominal organs. The surgeon can also access more profound levels of the abdominal cavity by making small incisions that are easier to control.

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Andrology specializes in treating male reproductive and sexual health problems.

Andrologists are experts working with all aspects of adult reproduction, including infertility, erectile dysfunction (ED), abnormal ejaculation etc.

Our Andrology section helps analyse and treat disorders and anomalies of the male reproductive system. We review all aspects of andrology and present case reports and images that cover a wide array of conditions, including:

  • Male infertility
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Penile implant

Reconstructive Urology:

  • Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty
  • Ureteric reimplantation
  • Urethroplasty for stricture Urethra

Female Urology:

  • TVT / TOT for urinary stress leak
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vesicovaginal fistula repair

Our Urologist

Daksh Mahajan

Dr. Daksh Mahajan

Consultant - Urologist

MBBS, MS(G.Surgery), MCh (Urology)

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