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Plastic Surgery for Post-Burn Deformity – Amandeep Hospital

Post-burn deformity
June 22, 2023
Amandeep Hospital

What is Post-Burn Deformity?

Deformities caused by burns need an intense and effective treatment like plastic surgery. Burns may seriously harm the skin, the tissues beneath it, and occasionally even the bones. People could have malformations, such as wounds, contractures, or decreased functionality in the afflicted region.

Plastic surgeons who specialise in burn reconstruction can treat these post-burn defects. Based on the patient’s unique requirements and considering the burn deformity’s location, scope, and level, they can create a personalised treatment strategy.

Types of Surgeries for Post-Burn Contracture

There are many different kinds of operations; however, the following typical plastic surgery techniques are performed to correct post-burn deformities:

  • Scar revision– Scar revision is a burn deformity repair surgery that means surgically changing a scar’s structure to lessen its prominence. Excision, relocation, or recovering the mark are a few possible methods.
  • Skin grafting– A skin graft can be done when there has been a considerable loss of skin. In this operation, healthy skin is removed from the donor location and transplanted to the burn site. Skin grafts aid in restoring the afflicted area’s look and functionality.
  • Tissue Extension– The tissue extension procedure is applied when more skin is required for post-burn deformity contracture treatment to cover a vast region. A tissue expander resembles a balloon and is positioned beneath the neighbouring healthy skin. The saline solution is progressively added to the expansion over time to stretch the skin. The extended skin is utilised to rebuild the burnt region once sufficient skin expansion has been accomplished.
  • Z-Plasty & W-plasty– The surgical procedures Z-plasty and W-plasty are performed to realign scars and burn contracture. The surgeon might change the scar’s orientation and form to enhance its look and lessen practical restrictions.
  • Microsurgery– When complex reconstruction is required, microsurgery may be used. This method includes moving tissues, such as skin, muscle, or bone, from one body area to another using a microscope and specialised tools.

Post-surgery Care for plastic surgery

Here are some broad recommendations, but adhering to your surgeon’s detailed instructions for your particular situation is crucial.

  • Wound care: Proper wound care is crucial to avoid infection and encourage healing. Your surgeon will give cleaning and dressing instructions for the surgery site.
  • Medication management: Your surgeon may advise taking painkillers or antibiotics to relieve discomfort and avoid infection. Take medicine as directed, and let your surgeon know if you experience any odd side effects or concerns.
  • Dressings and bandages: To support and protect the surgical site, your surgeon will apply dressings and bandages. If your surgeon has not advised you, avoid touching or altering them.
  • Control of bruises and swelling: Your surgeon may advise using ice packs and elevating your head while you rest to help minimise bruising and swelling.

Plastic surgery’s appropriateness for the treatment of burns relies on several variables: the patient’s general health, the particular deformity, and the types of surgeries accessible. Speaking with a good plastic surgeon at Amandeep Hospital who can evaluate the problem and suggest a suitable course of action is advisable.

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