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Common Urological Diseases and Diagnoses

April 15, 2022
Amandeep Hospital

Urologic diseases, also known as urinary tract diseases, include several medical conditions, including those affecting the structure or function of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. These disorders may affect men, women, and children of all ages. Urologic diseases in women tend to affect the reproductive organs (uterus), ureters, bladder, and pelvic region. In males, urologic diseases may involve the urinary system and sexual organs such as the testicles.

The term urologic diseases refer to several medical disorders related to the release of urine from the body. These disorders can occur in men, women, and children of all ages. However, women are most often affected by infections of the urinary tract, while men are more likely to be affected by disorders affecting the reproductive organs or the urinary tract.

Most Common Urologic Disease

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, is a condition in which the prostate grows larger than it should be. The enlarged prostate can place pressure on the urethra, a tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia may need to urinate more often than usual, and the urine stream may be weak, or the bladder may not feel empty after urination. Medical treatment can include medications such as alpha-blockers to treat the problem. More severe cases require surgery, although some men with mild cases may be able to manage the condition with medication alone.
  • Urinary Incontinence: A common disease that affects many people and necessitates treatment. A person with this disorder cannot control the bladder muscles and the bladder’s inability to hold urine. Incontinence can occur due to either bladder muscle dysfunction or urinary tract diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. With advanced age, the problem is also likely to increase, although there are strategies that can be implemented to improve this condition. Your doctor will usually advise you to try treatments such as anti-inflammatories, diet alteration, antibiotics, and bladder bowel management interventions to treat urinary incontinence. If these techniques fail, doctors may recommend surgery.
  • According to recent reports, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Approximately 40 per cent of women and 12 per cent of men will experience at least one urinary tract infection in their lives. A UTI is an infection that occurs when bacteria or viruses or other pathogens invade the urinary tract and cause an infection. A burning sensation characterizes urinary tract infections (UTIs) during urination. A frequent urge to urinate and the feeling that the bladder is not empty after urinating accompany most cases of UTIs, which can be treated with antibiotics within five to seven days.
  • Kidney and Ureteral Stones: Kidney stones can form due to the abdominal deposition of crystals in the urine and small particles that collect on these crystals. Ureteral (kidney) stones move from the kidney into the ureter, a tube that passes through the bladder and transfers urine out of the body. Stones can block urine flow, causing urine related diseases, considerable pain; some people expel small stones from their bodies without medical assistance, but larger stones may result in blockage, and surgical procedures may be needed to remove them.

RIRS and PCNL are the most common minimally invasive stitchless surgeries for the treatment of renal stones.

Symptoms of Urological Diseases

This disease is becoming common among people and the most common urology problems and symptoms are-

  • Pain in Bones
  • Blood in Urine
  • Blood in Semen
  • Difficulty in Urination
  • Loss of appetite

Other Common Urological Conditions

There are a few common urology problems that people are facing lately.

  • Prostate and bladder cancer
  • Male Infertility
  • Stricture Urethra
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Overactive bladder
  • Prostatitis

Effective Diagnosis with modern technologies

To diagnose a urologic disease early and prescribe the proper treatment, a doctor must conduct a comprehensive diagnostic process. Modern diagnostic measures include:

  • Initial Examination of a patient: The doctor begins the most common diagnosis in hospital by collecting a patient’s medical history and examining them for changes in outward appearance and relevant physical manifestations such as enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Laboratory Examination: A complete physical exam begins with a blood test to check for signs of inflammation, a urinalysis (for the testing of kidney, bladder and urinary tract functions), a biochemical blood test (for liver and kidney function), a spermogram (to evaluate sperm motility and sperm count), and the PSA test (a prostate cancer screening)
  • Urodynamic Testing: This study aims to determine the functional condition of the urinary system. In such a case, the following tests are carried out: measurement of residual urine volume, pressure-flow urodynamic study, measurement of urinary bladder volume, etc.
  • Endoscopic Examinations: The doctor uses a specialized device, an endoscope, to examine the internal surface of the genitourinary system. An endoscope usually examines the kidneys, urethra, bladder, and ureters.
  • Ultrasound Diagnostics: Ultrasound imaging is a popular method of identifying the genitourinary system’s pathologies. The main advantage of ultrasonography is the absence of the need for harmful contrast agents and the dependence of imaging results on the functional state of the kidneys.
  • Radiation Diagnostic Methods: Radiopaque diagnostic techniques are computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), urography, and renal angiography.

Some common tips to improve your urological health

By following health tips, a person can prevent exposure to the forms of urologic diseases

  • Stay hydrated
  • Drink cranberry juice to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Limit the consumption of salt and caffeine
  • Consume a balanced diet
  • Avoid smoking
  • Exercise your pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises
  • Encourage your child to urinate just before bedtime.
  • Females should wipe from front to back after using the toilet to avoid bacterial infections.

Amandeep Hospital: Best Urology Hospital in India

The urology department at Amandeep Hospital is one of the leading directions in the hospital due to the high reputation of its urology doctors, cutting-edge technologies, and equipment. Amandeep hospital has the best modern diagnostic, laboratory, surgical equipment and lasers. Doctors at Amandeep Hospital have performed the most common urological surgeries many times. Specialists offer a broad range of services to diagnose and treat diseases of the genitourinary system. If you have one or another urologic disease or you need a urology diagnosis and have decided to undergo treatment, Amandeep hospital is undoubtedly the correct choice.

Don’t delay seeking the best consultation today!

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