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Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery: Recovery and Benefits

Benefits of Robotic Knee Surgery
October 26, 2022
Amandeep Hospital

When you expect to have a knee worn down and damaged by cartilage build-up and replaced with a joint made of metal, plastic, and your tissue, you wish to experience a longer recovery time and possible complications.

However, robotic-assisted knee replacements claim shorter recovery times by cutting down the trauma expected when the incisions needed to cut through your joint are made. Read below for more information on the ideas behind robotic knee replacement.

A Robot Does Not Perform Robotic Knee Surgery

The common misconception that a robot is performing surgery is due to the misleading name of robotic-assisted technology. It can be confusing because it sounds like a robot is operating on you when, in fact, a highly-trained surgeon is operating on you.

Surgeons use robotic-assisted technology to increase precision and accuracy compared to conventional total knee replacements, which perform slightly worse on average. The outcomes from your procedure will only be as good as the surgeon who performs the procedure, so it’s important to find an orthopaedic surgeon with extensive experience.

Orthopaedic surgeons use robotic-assisted techniques to perform knee replacements. Each system allows your surgeon to develop a customised plan for each patient. Before your procedure, surgeons use imaging technology to create a computerised 3D model of your knee that helps guide the robotic arm during the procedure.

The shoulder is one of the most complicated joints in the body, and because of its complexity, shoulder replacement surgery has proven to be a tricky procedure. But with our proprietary techniques and artful precision, we can implant artificial parts in a precise location while adjusting to fit, ligament tension, and soft-tissue balance in real-time. As a result, you leave with a new joint that feels natural and moves seamlessly.

Expected Recovery With Robotic Knee Replacement

The recovery process after robotic-assisted knee replacements is different for each patient. Various factors influence an individual’s recovery time after surgery, including age, overall health, and any complications during the surgical procedure.

After the surgery, you will usually go home the same day. It usually takes three to four weeks to make a full recovery. In minimal cases, it may take up to six weeks. The surgeon will give you specific aftercare instructions to help you achieve the best results and expedite the recovery process.

Will the Joint Feel Natural?

One of the main considerations of patients undergoing knee replacement surgery is how natural the joint will feel. The good news is that robotic-assisted surgery will likely result in a more natural feeling joint than traditional knee replacement surgery. It is due to the increased accuracy used during the procedure.

Following knee replacement surgery, patients often experience a condition called limb awareness. It consists of numbness or stiffness in the leg and a feeling of tension, making it hard to walk upstairs or kneel. Robotic-assisted knee replacements lower the risk of this side effect, but you should be aware of it.

Robotic Knee Replacement Hinges Offer Long-Lasting Comfort

Robotic-assisted surgery is performed with a computer-controlled 3-D arm that enables precise movement and preserves healthy surrounding tissue. As a result, patients recover more quickly than those with traditional joint replacements. In many cases, patients can go home on the same day as their surgery. Physical therapy and an assistive device such as a walker or cane are used until the patient can walk unassisted.

Orthopaedic surgeons guide a robotic arm to the incision site inside the patient. Robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery is accomplished by using a navigation system that assures that artificial knee parts are placed as accurately as possible and fit each patient’s unique anatomy. Because your robotic-assisted surgery allows for this high degree of precision, it is possible to create a more natural fit and better function for your anatomy.

Studies have shown that robotic-assisted techniques may be associated with improvements in knee replacement outcomes, such as surgical accuracy and precision, better early functional outcomes, and improved limb alignment.

Are You A Candidate For Robotic Knee Surgery?

When painkillers and other nonsurgical treatments for knee arthritis don’t work, your doctor may recommend knee replacement surgery. If you’re the right candidate for a traditional knee replacement, you are most likely well-suited for a robotic knee replacement.

With robotic technology, your surgeon can be more precise in performing a partial or total knee replacement than if done with the naked eye. In addition, robotic-assisted surgery is beneficial for some patients, such as those with prior surgery histories or abnormal anatomy. Discuss whether robotic-assisted surgery might be the right choice for you with your physician.

Benefits of Robotic Knee Surgery

Robotic knee surgery is the latest advancement in joint replacement surgeries. The following are the benefits of Robotic knee surgery:

  • Better safety during surgery
  • Minor damage to surrounding healthy tissue
  • Greater precision in implant placement
  • Individualised surgical techniques
  • Shorter recovery period
  • Minimally-invasive surgical methods reduce post-operative pain for the patient
  • Improved long-term functional results from joint procedures

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery at Amandeep Hospital

For more information about minimally invasive robotic knee surgery and to determine if it is right for you, contact the orthopaedic surgeons at Amandeep Hospital. Our experts in performing minimally invasive knee replacements using the NAVIO robotic system will analyse your unique medical history and help you decide if robotic-assisted surgery is best for you.

Schedule your appointment now with the best orthopaedic surgeons at Amandeep Hospital.

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