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Consult Our Expert Trauma Surgeon For Maxillofacial Injuries

Maxillofacial Trauma Surgey

Highly Skilled Maxillofacial Trauma Surgeon in Amritsar, Punjab & Jammu

Amandeep Hospital has a state-of-the-art facility and veteran trauma surgeons for treating maxillofacial injuries in Amritsar, Punjab,& Jammu. These injuries are generally the result of roadside accidents, most commonly seen in our region in bike riders & four-wheeler accidents.

Other causes include assault injuries, gunshot injuries, falls from the height and sometimes industrial or other occupational injuries. The injury depends on the intensity of the impact. It can vary from a minor laceration to significant damage involving multiple facial bones and sometimes affecting vital structures such as the brain and eyes.

Symptoms are specific to the type of injury; for example, fractures may include pain, swelling, loss of function, malalignment of teeth & changes in the shape of facial structures.

Facial injuries have the potential to cause cosmetic disfigurement and loss of function. For the management of major trauma, a multidisciplinary approach is used by a trauma surgeon.

Useful diagnostic techniques, proper patient care & use of advanced fixation techniques help get the patient back to normalcy. You can rest assured that only an expert trauma surgeon will handle your case. Scar handling is done in such a way as to minimise its appearance in due course of time.

We at Amandeep Hospital provide a full time (24×7) team of plastic, maxillofacial & trauma surgeons In Amritsar, Pathankot & Jammu for effective preplanning and multidisciplinary approach to managing such kinds of injuries giving more aesthetic & functional results.

Before Surgery


After Surgery

maxillofacial Trauma

Our Team of Experts