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Congenital Hand Deformities



What are Congenital Differences in the Hands?

Congenital hand differences are anatomical anomalies that emerge during foetal development and affect how the hands and fingers are formed. These variations might take the form of simple aberrations or more complicated disorders.

What are the Causes of Congenital Hands?

Congenital hand differences can be caused by several things, such as genetic predisposition, exposure to specific drugs or chemicals during pregnancy, infections, or problems with the development of foetus. However, it is significant to remember that the precise reason may not always be discovered.

Congenital Hand Differences: Congenital hand differences come in various forms, each with its traits and effects. These are a few prevalent problems. Each illness demands a unique assessment and treatment strategy-

  • Syndactyly (webbed fingers)
  • Polydactyly (additional fingers)
  • Thumb anomalies
  • Radial club hand
  • Ectrodactyly (split hand/split foot)

There is a possible treatment option for congenital hand disorder. Congenital hand differences may be treated depending on the problem at hand, how it affects hand function and appearance, and other factors. It could include a multidisciplinary strategy that draws on the skills of occupational therapists, hand surgeons, and other medical specialists. Treatment options might consist of surgical treatments such as finger separation, reconstruction, prosthetic fitting, conservative therapies like splinting, and hand rehabilitation.

With reconstructive congenital hand surgery, both the function and appearance of the hand can be restored. The goal is to reduce pain and improve function and flexibility so patients can return to regular activities.

Amandeep Hospital performs various operations, such as fracture repairs, tendons, nerve repairs, microsurgical re-attachment of amputated digits and limbs, and microsurgical reconstruction of soft tissues and bone. In addition, nerve reconstruction, tendon transfer and free functional muscle transfer surgeries are also performed to improve function in paralyzed/ deformed upper limbs following trauma, disease or congenital disabilities.

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