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Stomach Worms in Babies: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Stomach worms in babies
July 17, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

Does your baby cry often due to stomach pain? Are stomach pain episodes quite frequent in your child? Does he ever cough up or sneeze out worms? Have you ever spotted worms in his stool? Questions, questions, questions!!!…and many more, such as those related to his weight, frequency of feeding, et al, which your baby’s doctor might ask when you approach him for help. However, if your baby exhibits any of these symptoms of stomach worms in kids, it is likely he suffers from this problem.

ARTICLE: Stomach worms in kids are common, but that does not mean they should not be taken seriously. If left untreated, stomach worms in kids can be not only detrimental to their health but also fatal. As scary as it may sound, it is better to be careful with your child’s health and take care of it while you can. If you are wondering whether your child suffers from a worm infestation or not, here are some symptoms of it.


Worms in stomach in child symptoms include:

1. Stomach pain
2. Worms in the stool
3. Diarrhoea
4. Loss of appetite
5. Sudden hunger
6. Nausea
7. Weight loss
8. Fatigue
9. Anaemia
10. Blood in the stool
11. Frequent urination

Worms in stomach in child symptoms also include bloating, itching, and lethargy in cases of worm infestation.


1. Consumption of contaminated water
2. Eating half-cooked meat or vegetables
3. Playing in contaminated soil
4. Poor hygiene
5. Eating unwashed fruits
6. Unwashed hands

For a better understanding of the topic, read the Hindi version below.

बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े: अगर आपके बच्चे को आए दिन पेट में दर्द रहता है, या उसके मुँह और नाक से कीड़े निकलते हैं, या फ़िर उसके मल में कीड़े निकलते हैं तो इसका मतलब है की उसके पेट में कीड़े हैं। बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े होना कोई असामान्य बात नहीं है। लेकिन बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े होना कोई अच्छी बात भी नहीं है। बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े होने से यह पता चलता है की या तो उन्होंने कोई दूषित खाना खाया है या दूषित पानी पिया है अथवा उनकी स्वच्छता में कोई कमी रह गई है। अगर आपके बच्चों के पेट में कीड़े हैं तो शीघ्र ही उनके डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें। इस समस्या को नज़रंदाज़ करने से आपके बच्चों की सेहत पर विपरीत असर पड़ सकता है जो कि उनके लिए जानलेवा भी सिद्ध हो सकता है।


1. पेट दर्द
2. मल में कीड़े
3. दस्त
4. भूख न लगना
5. अचानक भूख लगना
6. जी मिचलाना
7. वजन कम होना
8. थकान
9. एनीमिया
10. मल में खून आना
11. बार-बार पेशाब आना


1. दूषित पानी पीना
2. अधपका माँस या सब्ज़ी खाना
3. दूषित मिट्टी में खेलना
4. स्वच्छता का ध्यान न रखना
5. बिना धोए फल खाना
6. गंदे हाथ

Stomach worms in kids, or stomach insects, are of different types. Stomach insects are different from other stomach bugs that cause problems like gastroenteritis. Stomach insects include intestinal worms such as tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, and strongyloides. Then again, there are other types of stomach insects, such as liver fluke, trichinella (causing trichinosis), and ascaris (causing ascariasis).


While over-the-counter (OTC) medications can help your baby in cases of stomach worm infestation, it is best to consult a paediatrician. After all, it concerns your child’s health. Your child’s healthcare provider will suggest the best medicine for his age and the gravity of the problem. The paediatrician will thoroughly assess the problem through stool tests and other assessments before prescribing medication.

To treat stomach worms in kids, a doctor would prescribe antiparasitic medication. And then there are home remedies involving the use of boiled, crushed garlic cloves mixed in milk or applying raw garlic-petroleum jelly paste to your baby’s anal region to kill the worm eggs and relieve the itching there.

However, there are a few medications listed below that could treat worm infestations in babies. Zentel Suspension (for children under two years), Albendazole (WHO-recommended for children aged 12-23 months, pre-schoolers, and school-going children), Mebendazole (WHO-recommended for young children within the age bracket mentioned before), and Pyrental are some of the medications. Though considered safe for kids, it is best to consult a doctor before administering any of these to your children suffering from stomach worm infestations.


Signs of a worm infestation differ by type of stomach worm. Children suffering from threadworm might complain of an itch in the bottom, swelling, and redness in that particular area from recurrent scratching, poor sleep, and a low appetite. Those with pinworm infestations might experience anal itching, an inability to sleep, infection in the anal skin, and vaginal discharge in girls. In the case of roundworms, which appear like earthworms in the stool, a child facing a worm infestation of this kind can experience coughs or sneezes that bring out the worm through the nose or mouth, stomach aches, and nausea.


While rare in neonates and infants, it is common for babies and toddlers to suffer stomach worm infestations. However, it only happens when you do not maintain proper hygiene for your children, besides taking care of other causes mentioned earlier in this writeup. And though it is a common occurrence, it should not be dismissed as insignificant, as an untreated worm infestation can even prove fatal for your child.

CONCLUSION: If your kid is suffering from stomach worms, take him to a doctor right away and get him treated. Give your child the gift of good health and a good life—the best bequest ever of a parent on his ward.

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