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Restore Your Confidence With Hair Transplant – Amandeep Hospital

Restore Your Confidence with Hair Transplant
August 12, 2021
Amandeep Hospital

Your hair is the most noticeable part of your personality. Hair fall or a receding hairline can be a scary thing. With the loss of hair, you might also see your confidence ebbing. And if that’s the case, you must consider hair transplantation as a permanent solution

Why is there a need to act?

Your looks have a tremendous impact on your confidence level. Insecurities about your physical appearance can have an adverse effect on your professional and personal life. The good news is that hair transplant is a safe and effective procedure that significantly boosts your self-esteem. With this, you might come across new horizons of opportunity and growth.

About Hair Transplant Treatment:

7 Putting off hair transplantation due to worries about results and efficacy is a thing of the past. With new advancements and the latest technology, highly sophisticated procedures are carried out by expert doctors, giving desirable results in no time. One of the most popular methods used is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, in which an individual hair follicle unit is harvested from a donor area using a motorized punching machine. Eventually, these grafts are implanted in the recipient area. This method ensures minimal scarring and speedy recovery.

What should you know before going for an FUE hair transplant?

Here are some steps you should consider before going for an FUE hair transplant:

  • Identify your stage of baldness:

The first step is to know your stage of baldness. A common estimate is to multiply your stage of baldness with 1000 to see the number of grafts required to restore your hair.

  • Understand what is a graft and a follicle:

On average, each extracted graft can have 2.50 follicles of hair. So while going for a hair transplant surgery, make sure you know whether you are paying per follicle or per graft.

  • Account for Graft Survival Rate:

It is essential to remember that you are getting this hair surgery to get your hair back and not for getting a Hair Transplant surgery done. Therefore, it is essential to know about the ‘Graft Survival Rate’.

Graft Survival Rate is the percentage of grafts that grow into full thick hair.

  • Look for transparency and trust:

Many centers make use of the loopholes in the system. For example, some centers that charge on the basis of grafts implanted enhance the number of grafts by dissecting each graft into multiple grafts.

You must ensure how the center will count the grafts as they can be utilized to increase your cost.

How long does a hair transplant surgery take?:

The duration of the surgery is dependent on the two factors:

  • The number of grafts used

  • The procedure being followed

Get the Best Hair Transplant Surgery at Amandeep RM Hair Clinic:

If you have been worried because of baldness or excessive hair loss, visit Amandeep RM Hair Clinic today. Owing to our commitment to quality, you can enjoy complete confidence when you come to us for hair transplants. In conjunction with the surgical procedure, we also offer PRP therapy to our patients for unmatched results.

With no further delay, begin your treatment today!

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