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How to get rid of skin blemishes?

Skin Blemishes
May 5, 2021
Amandeep Hospital

Are you hiding your face from the world at the sight of a blemish? These imperfections on the skin can lower your confidence in going out or socializing with people. A blemish is any mark, spot, or flaw that can appear on the skin. It may be emotionally upsetting to see a blemish on your face.

Therefore, seeking medical help or using at-home remedies may help reduce their appearance. However, the blemish is a broad term that refers to any skin mark which includes:

  • Acne

Acne is often the result of your skin producing too much oil. It can occur because of factors like hormonal changes during puberty or menstruation, stress, or depression.

  • Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is also a blemish which can appear darker than the other areas of skin. It can be the result of genetic factors, sun damage, or acne scarring.

  • Birthmarks

Birthmarks are also the blemishes that appear on the skin of a newborn baby. However, some birthmarks may disappear over time while others will stay for life.

  • Melasma

Melasma is also a kind of hyperpigmentation that can develop during pregnancy or when you take birth control pills. 

  • Skin Cancer

Some blemishes can be a sign of skin cancer. The potential symptoms of skin cancer include a new mole or mark that grows quickly, a mole or mark that bleeds, or an asymmetrical mole with rough edges. In this case you should seek a doctor’s advice.

If you develop a new or unusual skin blemish with any of the above characteristics you can consult a dermatologist or try some simple home remedies. We have got you covered with these easy-to-do remedies to remove blemishes naturally:

Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are known for their antioxidant properties as they are rich in vitamin C. They are suitable to treat blemishes and acne. Their natural astringent properties make them ideal for clearing blemishes. Moreover, the high lycopene content present in tomatoes helps in lightening stubborn spots. So massage your skin with tomato for 15 minutes and let it dry for some time. This method helps lighten your blemishes.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera’s magical properties can not only treat acne but also help heal blemishes and scars. It also contains polysaccharides that encourage the growth of new skin cells and lighten blemishes and scars. 

Apply this natural gel daily, and your blemishes may get lighter. The aloe vera gel is mainly helpful to nourish and hydrate skin. It also works towards controlling melanin overproduction that takes place when an acne scar appears. Therefore, you can take the benefit of this natural ingredient to get rid of blemishes.

Cocoa Butter

Apart from being a fragrant moisturizer, cocoa butter helps in lightening the dark blemishes. Its creamy formula hydrates your skin and works towards repairing the skin. You can also use it as a moisturizer to make your skin look glowing.


Besides making your dull skin look radiant, honey is also suitable to bleach skin and to reduce the appearance of dull spots. As honey is antibacterial, it keeps acne-causing bacteria at bay while locking your skin’s moisture. 

Moreover, you can also add a spritz of lemon to honey which works wonders for tired, dull skin. You may use honey and lemon mixture to reduce blemishes and pigmentation.

When to See a Dermatologist?

Certain people may choose to see a dermatologist if they wish to treat a blemish for cosmetic reasons. One can immediately see a dermatologist if they have a skin blemish with any of the following characteristics:

  • Grow quickly
  • Changes in size, shape, or color
  • Bleeds or itches

Sometimes these could be a sign of skin cancer or other severe skin conditions that require immediate treatment. You can visit your dermatologist to get better guidance for the same. He may prescribe you certain skin creams or ointments based on your skin type so that you will heal from these blemishes.

Amandeep Group of Hospitals: Best Multispeciality Hospital

Amandeep Group of Hospitals is known to provide the most effective treatment to every patient. We at Amandeep Hospital maintain the highest standards of quality and innovations to deliver superior clinical outcomes. 

Our team of qualified surgeons offers general plastic and cosmetic services. These surgeons have years of experience in handling complex cases.

Don’t let your skin issues bother you. Call us and visit anytime to get the best treatment.

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