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Heartfelt Decisions: Navigating the Choice Between Bypass And Open- Heart Surgery

Bypass surgery vs Open surgery
June 24, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

Man has always followed his heart since the creation of the world. Right from Adam and Eve to the present, the human heart and its desires have governed the world. So, it would not be wrong to say that the heart is the centre of human existence, as it governs not only man’s body but also the course of his entire life. Yet, this very important organ is known to be quite elusive and is notorious for leaving people in the lurch when they need it the most. The heart needs to be duly taken care of.

Hence, one should be careful about what is best for their heart health, which helps determine their well-being. Here are some insights into what is better—bypass surgery or open-heart surgery—for those requiring surgery who have no idea what these terms stand for. In short, heart health and the options available to keep it healthy are at the heart of this writeup, specially penned for you.

ARTICLE: “The heart is the most deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” says the Holy Bible in Jeremiah 17:9. The Holy Scriptures also advise, “Above else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23). Heart health is important, and you find yours to be quite worrisome. Your surgeon has probably advised surgery to save yours, but you are confused about what to choose—a bypass or an open heart?

The choice seems difficult, but not impossible to make. All you have to do is understand the difference between bypass and open heart surgery, what is bypass surgery, how is bypass surgery done, and how it is different from open heart surgery, as well as the benefits of open heart surgery vs bypass surgery.


According to heart surgeons, open-heart surgery is a broader term that includes heart bypass surgery. These procedures are the most commonly used surgical methods for treating various heart ailments. The difference between bypass and open heart surgery is that the heart is accessed directly through an incision in the patient’s chest in open heart surgery. If you are wondering how is bypass surgery done, the answer is that bypass surgery is about creating alternate pathways to direct the flow of blood.


Also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), bypass surgery is performed with the help of a heart-lung machine. An incision is made in the centre of the chest along the breastbone, and the rib cage is opened to expose the heart, which is temporarily stopped with the help of medicine. A section of healthy blood vessels is taken either from inside the chest wall or the lower leg. The ends of this healthy tissue called the ‘graft’ are attached to the nether end of the blocked artery of the heart, creating an alternate route for the blood flow. This has probably helped you understand how is bypass surgery done, to some extent. Let’s explore other areas of bypass surgery.


Yes. All thanks to the breakthroughs in surgery, minimally invasive surgery has become a part of heart bypass surgery too. Consequently, today we have heart bypass surgery procedures that do not require open heart surgery.


It is called ‘bypass’ as it creates an alternate route for the blood to flow around the blocked artery.


According to experts, a blockage of more than 50 percent in the left main coronary artery is an indication of the need for bypass surgery.

CONCLUSION: We hope that this writeup has helped you understand the difference between bypass and open heart surgery, what is bypass surgery, how is bypass surgery done, how it is different from open heart surgery, and the benefits of open heart surgery vs bypass surgery. Take your surgeon’s help to decide the best option for you. Choose wisely, making a heartfelt decision; after all, your heart health is at the heart of the matter.

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