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Hair Transplant – Procedure & Benefits of Hair Transplant Center

Hair Transplant
May 13, 2019
Amandeep Hospital

This post's average rating is: 4

Yes, your hair is a reflection of your personality. But what if you start losing your beautiful hair? Don’t worry. Hair Transplant Center offers a variety of hair restoration services, including transplant treatment.

We all are familiar with this name but not many know what it is and to what extent it can benefit a person. This blog will shed light on hair transplant benefits and procedures. But the question arises as to which conditions call for a hair transplant treatment.

Such conditions are when you start losing your hair too early and other treatments have not generated the required results to get your hair back. In such cases, Hair Transplant can help you grow your hair back.

What is hair transplantation?

It is a surgical technique to treat baldness. This technique removes hair follicles from one body part, known as the ‘donor site’, which are then transplanted to the bald or balding scalp, known as the ‘recipient site’. It primarily treats male baldness. This baldness can be due to –

  • Poor diet
  • Illness
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Medications
  • Stress

Procedure for Hair Transplant

During the hair transplant procedure, the surgeon thoroughly cleans the scalp. With the help of a small needle, the surgeon numbs an area of the head with local anaesthesia. Generally, to obtain hair follicles for transplantation, two techniques are used –

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

  • The surgeon uses a scalpel to obtain a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The incision can be several inches long. The incision is then closed with the stitches.
  • Next, the surgeon separates the removed portion of the scalp into small parts with the help of a magnifying glass and surgical knife.
  • The hair follicles are then implanted which helps to maintain a natural look.

In Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Hair follicles are directly cut out from the back of the head with the help of several tiny punch incisions.

  • By making tiny holes with the help of a blade or needle in the scalp at the recipient site.
  • The hair is then gently placed in the holes.
  • During one session, the surgeon may transplant hundreds or thousands of hair.
  • Later, the scalp is covered with the help of graft, gauze or bandages for a few days.

A single session of hair transplant takes more than four hours and the stitches get removed after about 10 days of surgery. Three or four sessions at a hair transplantation clinic are required to cover the full head with hair and each session occurs at a gap of several months after the previous session which allows each transplant to heal properly.

As a result, the hair will start to grow in the transplanted area provided proper medications are taken and instructions by the expert are followed religiously. Realistic expectations can be set by talking to the expert to obtain the desired outcome with the help of hair transplant treatment.

Now that the basic concept of hair transplantation and its procedure has been discussed, some light shall be shed upon its benefits.

Benefits of Hair Transplant

Invest in your hair; it is the crown you never take off. The following are the various hair transplant advantages –

  • Safe option – Hair Transplantation is safe to regrow hair as it does not make use of any chemicals that might damage your hair. This saves one from oodles of complications that one might have to face to regain the growth of the hair. The results are permanent and excellent.
  • Natural feel – This option, without any doubt, gives a natural look to your hair. It shall leave people in a state of confusion. This treatment gives the maximum natural look as compared to other hair growing methods. It eliminates the balding problems completely.
  • One-time procedure – Hair transplantation is a permanent solution of baldness. Once you get it done, it shall last forever. Since it makes use of your own hair follicles so it lets your hair grow naturally. The added advantage is that it gives you the freedom to trim or style your hair as you desire.
  • Uniform distribution of hair follicles – Latest techniques of hair transplantation provide the benefit of uniform distribution of hair follicles to cover the bald area. This covers the bald area perfectly without making it look as if the hair is growing in patches.
  • Confidence – Last but not least, the confidence that one regains after seeing the hair grow and that too in a natural way is simply non-pareil.

As you can see, there are multiple benefits of hair transplantation. This treatment gives one the right opportunity to witness people showering praises upon you who once mocked you for being bald or for excessive hair fall. That youthful look shall make you look 10 years younger than your actual age.

Achieve undetectable natural-looking results for your hair. It’s simply not worth the risk-taking. So choose none but the best. Choose Amandeep Hospital the best hair transplant centre, has a team of professionals to provide the most effective and modern treatments to help you get your hair back.

Our experts at the hair transplant hospital are dedicated to minutely studying each case from the scratch and treating each one of them using the right methods of treatment. They enable us to deliver you the best hair transplant in India. With the aid of the expertise that they have developed over years, they render the ideal treatments to help you get rid of the balding problems permanently.

One reply on “Hair Transplant – Procedure & Benefits of Hair Transplant Center”


i recently read your vlog about hair transplant benefits and wanted wanted to thank you sharing valuable information as someone who has struggled with this condition for years if you want to read more you can scroll our web site

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