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Ten Facts You Must Know About Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant
August 31, 2021
Amandeep Hospital

More of your scalp is visible continuously, and you want your stylish hair back. Have you been thinking about Hair transplant surgery? Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Some males and females make adjustments with their receding hairlines and thinning of hair. But for others, hair loss damages their self-confidence and morale.

No wonder hair transplant centers in every corner of the world are flourishing these days. This is because so many people go for a hair transplant surgery to reclaim their personality and instill lost confidence.

So, if hair fall destroys your personality and self-confidence and you are thinking of opting for a hair transplant surgery, here are some hair transplant facts you should know.

Facts about hair transplant you should know

Hair transplant surgery is the most popular formula for those who have lost their beautiful hair and even those who want to acquire an attractive personality.

But most people have some doubts or queries regarding the surgery. Some of these are – Are hair transplant surgeries safe and successful? Is hair transplant safe and permanent? Does this hair transplant surgery result in unwarranted tissue changes in the body?

Here are the most amazing facts you should know before going for the hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplant gives permanent results.

You can find many treatment options to cure hair loss problems, but the issue is that these treatment options give temporary solutions. Only undergoing hair transplant surgery will provide you with a permanent solution. So, before you choose the treatment option, make sure you consult the best surgeon and know everything about the treatment.

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to the area where hair growth is pretty less. This treatment option is mainly utilized to treat androgenic alopecia. The surgical procedure is minimally invasive and helps the person deal with hair loss issues.

Moreover, this procedure can also be utilized to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, chest hair, pubic hair, or beard hair. It will help if you see a hair transplant surgeon to understand the treatment or procedure better.

Hair transplants are not cheap.

Good hair transplant procedures are not cheap. Therefore, you should consult an expert or do your research before booking a discounted procedure as part of a “limited time” offer.

Strategize, be realistic with your pocket and always consider a hair transplant procedure as an investment in your personality and ongoing wellbeing.

Only you can be your hair donor.

Your hair follicles don’t regenerate, and hair cannot be taken from another hair donor for transplantation. So, only you can be your hair donor.

From the earliest hair loss symptoms, you must look after the hair you do have to keep it healthy and damage-free because you never know when you’ll need it.

There are two kinds of the hair transplant procedure.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) are the two methods of the hair transplant procedure. They are the best solution for permanent hair loss.

In FUT, the strip of hair is taken from the back of the scalp and then transplanted to where hair growth is highly less.

In FUE, the individual hair follicles are taken one by one and then transplanted where hair growth is extremely less.

The surgeon will choose the best treatment option according to your hair condition and how many grafts you require. Both procedures are effective and provide you with natural & permanent results.

Hair transplant can be done for both men and women.

People have thought that hair transplantation is only for men for the longest time. This myth was widely accepted because more men suffer from baldness as compared to women. However, a hair transplant surgery can be performed for both.

Men with male pattern baldness and women with thinning hair can go for this transplantation. In addition, anyone who has lost their precious hair from a burn or scalp injury can also choose a hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplant isn’t for everyone.

This might just contradict the previously written fact that not everyone can opt for a hair transplant surgery, but the selection doesn’t happen based on gender. People who cannot opt for the surgery are:

  • Females with a widespread pattern of hair loss
  • People who don’t have enough donor hair sites
  • People who have keloid scars after an injury or surgery
  • People who suffer from hair loss due to chemotherapy

A week off work is required for the surgery.

Hair Transplants surgery is a significant procedure. Even after the less invasive Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) technique, you will require a week off for the recovery.

During that period, your grafts will be healing. However, to make sure they settle down easily, you have to carefully treat your hair transplant site. Stay out of the sun, rest, stay hydrated and report any signs of infection to your hair transplant surgeon immediately.

Post-operative care is vital.

To get the best outcomes, you have to follow the instructions given by the surgeon. Make sure you take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines for at least 3 to 5 days as instructed by the surgeon.

You have to avoid swimming, heavy exercise, and sun exposure for at least three weeks after the Hair Transplants procedure. In addition, make sure you avoid chemical products for at least one month.

Treatment cost

Most people worry about the cost of hair transplant surgery. But, the procedure is affordable in India compared to other countries. The total number of grafts required will be calculated based on your hair loss, and one session will be enough to treat the full head of thick hair.

Final Takeaway

The facts mentioned above may help you learn about the hair transplant procedure. To know more about the treatment, consult with an experienced and professional hair transplant surgeon and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

A hair transplant surgery could be something that changes your life for the better – increasing your self-confidence and sense of self-worth.

Why choose Amandeep Hospital for the Best Hair Transplants Surgery?

If you lose self-confidence due to baldness or excessive hair loss, visit Amandeep RM Hair Clinic. We have highly qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeons who perform the best hair transplant surgery.

Owing to our commitment to quality, you will get your self-confidence back when you come to our hair transplants centre . Our Hair Transplant Hospital also provides our patients PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy for unmatched results.

Frequently Asked Question

Who is the best candidate for hair transplant?
The very best candidate for hair transplant surgeries are males in their late 20s-30s and 40s. Very young candidates who are in their late teens or their early 20s require proper counseling before the transplantation.
Are there any complications with hair transplantation?
No, the hair transplant surgery is without any complications. You can ask for any clarifications you may require. However, the complications are extremely rare, and the surgery is very safe
How long does it take for the transplanted hair to grow?
Typically the grafted hair will shed in the initial 2-4 weeks. New hair will start growing in 3-4 months, and length will increase approximately 1/2 inch per month. A full cosmetic outcome can be expected in 9-10 months.
Is hair transplant permanent?
Hair transplants are available to those who find hair loss a problem, as they’re a viable treatment option for thinning hair. The results of a hair transplant are considered permanent because you cannot undo them, though the way your hair transplant looks after it heals is not necessarily how it will look for the rest of your life.

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