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Common Throat Infections: Signs, Remedies, and Prevention Tips

July 25, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

You have barely touched that yummy ‘biryani’ on your plate, regardless of the fact that it is your favourite dish. You say you are unable to swallow it. Your throat is sore, you cough, and your voice is hoarse. Do you experience throat pain while swallowing saliva? It seems like you have a throat infection.

ARTICLE: A throat infection is a common occurrence that is often reported in children. However, even adults are susceptible to catching a throat infection if they are not careful about their health. A throat infection can occur due to weather changes or when we eat something that infects us with the virus that causes it. It can be treated with the help of over-the-counter cough syrups or cough drops, or with simple home remedies too.

A person suffering from a throat infection might need to see a doctor if these do not work. That’s because a throat infection should not be taken lightly or left untreated, as this could lead to other chronic and potentially life-threatening ailments.




It’s definitely not only that ice cream that you like eating, but many other factors that can cause a throat infection. These include allergies, colds, flu, bacterial infections, tonsillitis, acidity, and breathing through your mouth. In most cases, it is a virus that causes a throat infection. However, there are certain foods, including aerated cold drinks, spicy foods, pickles, and alcohol, that can aggravate the problem and should, therefore, be avoided.




This is likely the question that’s currently on your mind. But before proceeding to answer it, let us try to explore the reasons behind throat infections in Hindi to simplify the topic for you.

गले में इंफेक्शन: गले में इंफेक्शन या ख़राश के कई कारण हो सकते है, जैसे कि एलर्जी, सर्दी, ज़ुखाम, फ्लू, जीवाणु संक्रमण, टौंसिलाईटिस, एसिडिटी, और मुंह द्वारा साँस लेना। अधिकाँश मामलों में एक वायरस होता है जो गले में इंफेक्शन का कारण बनता है। हालांकि, कुछ खाद्य पदार्थ जैसे वातित शीतल पेय, मसालेदार भोजन, अचार और शराब, गले में इंफेक्शन की समस्या को बढ़ा सकते हैं, इसलिए इन के सेवन से ऐसे समय पर बचना चाहिए।

Throat pain reasons could also include irritants like dry air or even serious issues such as HIV/AIDS and tumours. In some people, throat pain reasons could also include muscle strain and air pollution. Reason for frequent throat infection could include low immunity, frequent smoking or tobacco consumption, allergies to pets, and other irritants, including pollen are another reason for frequent throat infection. We hope that this helps in understanding the causes behind a throat infection.




That could be easily judged from the symptoms you have.


1. Hoarse voice
2. Throat pain
3. Cough
4. Swollen neck or jaw glands
5. Trouble swallowing as in throat pain while swallowing saliva
6. Fever

Other symptoms of a throat infection could also include infection of the tonsils, headaches, and body aches. If you have all or most of these symptoms, there are chances that you will suffer from a throat infection.
Now that we have explored what a throat infection actually is, it is time to answer your previous question, ‘How can I solve my throat infection?’

The answer to this is simple.

1. Take adequate rest
2. Avoid foods that irritate your throat
3. Avoid consuming alcohol, aerated beverages, and caffeinated drinks
4. Suck lozenges
5. Hydrate yourself adequately to avoid a dry throat




It depends on the reason behind your throat infection, which your doctor is the best person to diagnose. If you are suffering from strep throat, he might prescribe penicillin or amoxicillin-containing antibiotics. However, in cases of pharyngitis or tonsillitis, he might give azithromycin.




It is very important to clean your throat when you are suffering from a throat infection, as it helps heal your throat to quite an extent. ‘How do I clean my throat?’ is the question that is on your mind. You can clean your throat by

1. Gargling with warm, saline water
2. Using over-the-counter syrups to soothe and heal your throat
3. Take honey with lemon mixed in it
4. Consume warm herbal tea




1. Avoid foods that hurt or irritate your throat
2. Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption
3. Maintain proper hygiene
4. Stay well-hydrated
5. Avoid stress

CONCLUSION: Your throat is one of the most important members of your body, as it helps you express yourself to others by talking to them, besides ferrying food and water from your mouth to your body to nourish you. Therefore, you should take good care of your throat and ensure that it stays in proper shape by consuming only healthy foods and avoiding things that hurt or irritate it. Or you can consult our ENT specialist.

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