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Cleft Lip Surgery Treatment in Association with Smile Train

Cleft Lip
November 6, 2018
Amandeep Hospital

I am sure you must be wondering what connection it has over here. Well, the connection is that these are the complaints generally made by the children with a cleft lip. Do you know what a cleft lip is? If not, then here is what it is all about. Cleft lip is the opening in the upper lip of the baby due to improper closing of the facial structure during its development in the womb. This problem is treatable but still, the society does not accept the fact and treats the children born with cleft lip badly.

But Amandeep Hospital in association with Smile Train has come up as a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for those families who had lost all the hopes of seeing their children just like other normal children. Smile Train is a New York-based organization which was founded in 1999. It has a wide network of providing free cleft lip and palate surgeries in 87 countries. Partnering with Amandeep Hospital, more than 8000 free surgeries have been conducted since 2004 along with various other benefits such as travel charges, speech therapy, and orthodontic treatment.

This collaboration works to earn that innocent smile on the faces of the little angels because nothing is more valuable than that. For many, cleft lip is a topic of humor but ask the families of those children who were born with a cleft lip and you shall know the pain. Whether we talk about Nazia Kosar, Sazan Ahmed, Alimoh or Isha, these angels, and their families had to face many difficulties in their life before they came to Amandeep Hospital due to cleft lip. Some difficulties were due to the unawareness of the treatment and some due to the poor financial condition of the family.

For these children, Amandeep Hospital is no less than a benison as it eradicated all the miseries of the patients and their families by providing free of cost treatment. Both Amandeep Hospital and Smile Train are philanthropist organizations whose sole purpose of providing this treatment is to bring the children born with a cleft lip at par with the other children. This association has spared no efforts since the time of its collaboration to even conduct door to door search of the cleft patients. The returns that are received are beyond all calculations. For us, it is all about using whatever resources we have and applying them to improve the lives of the cleft lip affected children and their families. All the myths regarding cleft lip have been proved wrong which said that this problem is untreatable and those who had the awareness about the treatment said that it is very costly.

The best and the most effective treatments for cleft lip are being provided at our hospital facility and that too without charging even a single penny. Every patient who came to us with this problem went back home with no change except for the corrected cleft lip which in itself is the most positive change which has cultivated a ray of new hope in their lives. Come and experience the change yourself. With the best treatment and expert team of doctors at Amandeep Hospital, a cleft lip can be a chapter of your life but not the whole story. Help us to end this chapter in your child’s life and get his life back on the right track. Help him wear that lovely smile on his face forever!

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