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Understanding And Managing Chest Pain Caused By Acidity

chest pain caused by acidity
June 19, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

Did you just say that you felt a burning sensation in chest after eating, which went away when you burped? For a moment, you must have mistaken it for a heart attack and called up your doctor. Thank God, there was no need for that, as this was just chest pain due to acidity. While we appreciate that you care for your heart, you should also get yourself treated for acidity if you suffer from it chronically.

ARTICLE: While no one is known to have died due to acidity to date, it is still pertinent to get it treated as it could lead to potentially life-threatening health conditions. Let’s try to understand what acidity is.


Synonymous with acid reflux, acidity is the backflow of the excessive acid produced by the stomach into the food pipe. The acid produced in the human stomach is different from the ones used for cleaning purposes and in crime. The excessive consumption of fatty, fried, and spicy foods, besides tea, coffee, and other beverages, causes the human stomach to produce hydrochloric acid, which ebbs into the food pipe.


This often causes a person to experience chest pain due to acidity. Besides heartburn, there are other conditions, including esophagitis, peptic ulcers, and hiatal hernia, that underlie acidity and often cause chest pain.

Esophagitis – a burning-like sensation behind the breastbone, can be felt due to acid reflux. The oesophagus can swell or even get damaged due to this.

Peptic Ulcer – this is an open wound inside the stomach or the small intestine. It is characterized by a burning pain, which could be sporadic or even cease after being administered an antacid. Starting in the abdomen, the pain moves up to the chest.

Hiatal Hernia – the oesophagus stands even more compromised in this condition, which exposes it more to acid reflux.


Acid reflux chest pain is synonymous with heartburn. Do you often feel sharp, burning pain behind your breastbone, particularly after consuming spicy, oily foods or having a bitter taste in your mouth? Does your chest pain worsen when you lie down or change positions? If the answer is ‘yes’, you suffer from heartburn. An occasional heartburn might not be a cause for worry, but you might need to see a doctor if it is chronic.

Acid reflux chest pain should not be taken lightly and warrants proper treatment for your own good. Its chronicity could lead to Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which could cause injuries to the respiratory tract, oesophagus, or pharynx. The GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) chest pain almost feels like a heart attack. The difference is that GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) chest pain is usually felt around the epigastrium or the area behind the breast bone, while chest pain caused by a heart attack could reflect in other areas of the chest as well as the jaw, arms, shoulders, back, and neck.

Heartburn discomfort is also characterized by a sore throat, an inability to swallow, and nausea.

BURNING IN CHEST AFTER EATING: A sensation akin to burning in the chest after eating something is another symptom of heartburn discomfort. Though acidity can occur on an empty stomach too, it usually intensifies after eating.

CHEST PAIN AFTER EATING FOOD: That burning sensation in chest after eating food could most likely be due to acidity. However, there is only a little that differentiates heartburn discomfort from a heart attack, a diagnosis that only a qualified doctor could make after a thorough examination of the patient. But then, indigestion and food poisoning could be other reasons behind that burning sensation in chest. It is only advisable to see a doctor if the pain is severe and does not abate even after administering tried and tested home remedies, over-the-counter antacids, and digestive aids.

STOMACH PAINS: One might experience sour stomach pain in case of indigestion. Sour stomach pain usually occurs after eating, varying in intensity and duration from one person to another.

Then there is another category of stomach pain: acidic stomach pain. This occurs as the result of contact between the acid and the stomach lining. Acidic stomach pain is marked by a growling stomach, bloating, nausea, regurgitation, belching, burping, and gas.

HEARTBURN IN CHEST: A burning pain is a symptom of heartburn. This pain usually grows, especially after an evening meal. Also called gastric chest pain, it is intermittent in nature. Gastric chest pain can either be caused by food intolerance or a serious underlying issue.

SYMPTOMS: Also known as acidity or gastric reflux Esophageal irritation symptoms include:

1. Pain or difficulty swallowing
2. Heartburn
3. Nausea
4. Soreness or irritation in the oesophagus
5. Mouth sores



1. Take an antacid.
2. Avoid fatty, oily, and spicy foods that cause chest pain due to acidity.
3. Exercise regularly.
4. Observe a healthy lifestyle.


Yes, acid can cause chest pain.


Taking an antacid usually helps relieve chest pain due to gas. One can also try time-tested home remedies.


Chest pains caused by acidity usually last from a few minutes to several hours.

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