People often complain about their upset digestive system from time to time. Unfortunately, such digestive disorders have become so common that it has made us negligent in getting timely medical assistance. However, this carelessness can lead to several devastating complications.
Therefore, you must be aware of when to see a gastroenterologist. We mustn’t ignore any unusual signs and symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system, including the oesophagus up to the rectum.
Early detection of signs can help determine the underlying cause of disrupted digestive functionality at the initial stages. Remember, awareness is the key to good health!
Read on to know the 10 signs that suggest you must visit a Gastroenterologist. But first, let’s understand who a Gasterentorolgist is.
A gastroenterologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases and conditions of the digestive system. The digestive system includes organs from the mouth to the anus, including the oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine and rectum.
Make sure to schedule a visit to a Gastroenterologist if you experience the following symptoms:
Visit the gastroenterologist if you are having trouble with bowel movements. Be it consistent constipation or diarrhoea, you should immediately consult an expert doctor. Constipation can signify several underlying health issues that include neurological problems, blockages, hormonal malfunction, etc.
Prolonged diarrhoea makes you the candidate for lactose intolerance / Chronic Pancreatitis / Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS ) / Ulcerative Colitis / Crohn’s disease, and several other disorders. So, it is vital to meet the expert as soon as you discover that you have abnormal bowel movements. Runny stool or passing fewer bowel movements are signs that you need medical assistance.
The development of jaundice is an indication that your liver is not working correctly. It could be due to multiple reasons like viral hepatitis (Hepatitis B or C ) / Alcoholic hepatitis / Autoimmune hepatitis / CBD stones / Malignancy etc. Therefore, you should consult a stomach doctor as early as possible to diagnose the cause of jaundice and treat it.
Presence of blood in vomitings is a very serious condition. It could be due to varices /ulcer/tear in esophagus. Consult a gastroenterologist at the earliest to diagnose and treat it.
Seeing blood while you use the toilet can be highly alarming. If you experience such a sign, immediately rush to the expert gastroenterologist without any delay. The most common cause of rectal bleeding are hemorrhoids. However, you must not make any guesses and consult the doctor to know the exact underlying cause of rectal bleeding.
If you are suffering from abdominal pain which is severe in nature requiring injectables ( could be because of Acute Pancreatitis) or mild in nature but you also experience bloating after every meal, knock on the door of the gastroenterologist as early as possible.
Along with the unbearable abdominal pain, if you get nauseous and have painful bowel movements, make sure you set up the gastro’s appointment at the earliest possible date.
Heartburn refers to the pain or burning sensation felt in the heart or chest. It is quite a prevalent health issue that comes and goes after the intake of medicines. However, what raises the alarm is when you complain about having consistent heartburn. This means when the heartburn symptoms remain for a week or more, it is high time you visit an expert gastroenterologist.
It can be the initial sign of a serious problem called GERD that develops when the stomach acid disturbs the oesophagus lining. Smokers and pregnant women usually complain about housing this issue. However, medications can cure GERD, but in severe cases, gastroenterologists recommend surgery.
If you experience a sudden stomach pain on your right side, it may be a sign of gallstones. Like kidney stones, gallstones are small nugget-like structures present in the gallbladder. These stones develop due to an imbalance in the substances that form bile juice (a fluid created by the liver). The stones can be as tiny as a sand grain or as huge as a golf ball.
With the growing age, the chances of gallstone development also increase. Also, people with obesity and pregnant women are at higher risk of developing gallstones.
So, it is critically essential not to ignore the signs that indicate you are housing gallstones and immediately consult the expert gastroenterologist.
Suppose you have difficulty swallowing liquids or solids, and it is continually worsening. In that case, it is time that you should consult a gastroenterologist because early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the disease from taking a dangerous form.
If drinking milk or consuming dairy products makes you feel uncomfortable, this may indicate that you are lactose intolerant. However, before we understand lactose intolerance, we must know that lactose is a sugar that helps break down dairy products.
But when your body fails to produce enough lactose that it does not digest dairy products, it means you have lactose intolerance. This may result in an upset stomach, diarrhoea, stomach pain, and bloating. Therefore, if you struggle with digesting the dairy products, it is high time you set an appointment with a gastroenterologist.
A burning sensation in the stomach, along with the pain, makes you the suspect of having ulcers in the stomach. So, whenever you eat something, you feel discomfort because the acid that breaks down the food causes severe pain. Consult the expert gastroenterologist before ulcers deteriorate your condition.
If you observe any of the above signs, it is critically imperative that you consult a proficient gastroenterologist without any delay. Being the best gastroenterology hospital in Amritsar, Amandeep Group of Hospitals has the most professional and dedicated gastroenterologists.
They are serving the patients for decades and have never failed their promise of excellence.
Without any single delay in treating your health issues, connect with our expert gastroenterologists in Amritsar.
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