As Hippocrates wisely noted, “All disease begins in the gut.” Therefore, it is essential to take care of our overall digestion. Proper digestion should be maintained to prevent stomach problems because an unbalanced digestive process results in discomfort and even serious stomach disorders. Stomach pain, frequent heartburn, or unexplained weight changes are often overlooked but shouldn’t be ignored. These symptoms can turn out to be signals of underlying gastrointestinal problems that require expert attention. Consulting a gastroenterologist on time can help prevent minor problems from becoming serious health concerns.
The gastroenterologist, also known as, a gastro specialist takes a role in diagnosing and treating ailments of the stomach, intestines, liver, or pancreas. They have expertise in treating diseases such as ulcers, acid reflux, and stomach diseases. If you also deal with any issues or feel discomfort but are not able to diagnose the issue, you should visit a gastro specialist. They will guide you on what’s wrong and provide solutions.
If you have persistent symptoms like Chronic Heartburn or Acid reflux,
Frequent Bloating or Abdominal Pain
Unexplained Weight Loss
Changes in Bowel Habits
Blood in Stool
Difficulty Swallowing
or any distress that is related to digestion, you must visit a gastroenterologist near you.
None of these symptoms should be ignored, as they directly impact our daily living and can also lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. It could lead to chronic pain and nutrient deficiencies. Poor digestion means poor absorption of Vitamins and Minerals that will lead to Deficiencies. Another concern that arises is Digestive Disorders and conditions like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These are getting quite common these days and adversely affect the living of an individual. Shalin, who suffers from IBS, shares, “IBS brings frequent bloating, gas, and urgent bowel movements. It’s frustrating because the constant pain and discomfort makes it hard to enjoy meals or even get a good night’s sleep and I can’t always predict when I’ll feel up to doing things I enjoy. While managing my diet and stress helps, it’s a constant struggle.”
Nowadays, the most common issues patients bring to a gastroenterologist include:
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Celiac Disease
Stomach pain
Digestive disorders (e.g., IBS, IBD)
Nutrient absorption problems
Bloating and gas
Unexplained weight loss
Blood in stool
Difficulty swallowing
Your doctor will address all these issues and more related to digestion and provide relevant treatment. They may also use advanced diagnostic tests and procedures like endoscopies and colonoscopies for a more detailed examination
(Gastro In Hindi)
गैस्ट्रो विशेष रूप से पेट और पाचन तंत्र से संबंधित है। यह शब्द ग्रीक शब्द “गैस्ट्रोन” से आया है, जिसका अर्थ होता है “पेट”।
गैस्ट्रो से संबंधित दो प्रमुख क्षेत्र हैं:
1. गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजी (Gastroenterology): यह चिकित्सा की शाखा है जो पेट, आंतें, और पाचन तंत्र के अन्य अंगों से संबंधित बीमारियों का अध्ययन और उपचार करती है।
2. गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल ट्रैक्ट (Gastrointestinal tract): इसमें पेट, छोटी आंत, बड़ी आंत, और अन्य पाचन अंग शामिल होते हैं।
गैस्ट्रो शब्द का इस्तेमाल आमतौर पर पेट और पाचन संबंधी समस्याओं के लिए होता है।
गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट (Gastroenterologist) वे डॉक्टर हैं जो पेट और आंतों सहित पाचन तंत्र से संबंधित समस्याओं का निदान और उपचार करने में माहिर होते हैं।
GERD (गैस्ट्रोएसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स डिजीज)
पेट दर्द
पाचन संबंधी विकार (जैसे IBS, IBD)
और गैस
सबसे आम समस्याएं हैं जिनका समाधान एक गैस्ट्रोएंटेरोलॉजिस्ट द्वारा किया जाता है।
कई बार हमें पेट का दर्द लंबे समय तक होता है और हम उसे नजरअंदाज कर देते हैं। लेकिन यह गंभीर समस्या का संकेत भी हो सकता है, इसलिए इसे अनदेखा नहीं करना चाहिए। अगर आपको लंबे समय से पेट में दर्द की शिकायत है, तो तुरंत डॉक्टर से मिलें ताकि किसी गंभीर समस्या को समय पर पहचाना जा सके और उचित उपचार किया जा सके। पेट के दर्द को “एपिगैस्ट्रिक दर्द” (Epigastric Pain) या “अंतर्द्वार दर्द” (abdominal pain) भी कहते हैं।
It is possible to prevent or reverse any gastro or stomach-related issues by making the right lifestyle changes. First and foremost, a balanced diet is extremely important. One should focus on a diet rich in fibre, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Fiber aids digestion and helps prevent constipation. Limit your intake of high-fat, fried, and processed foods that can irritate the digestive tract. A healthy gut promotes a healthy mind and body.
Stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and get an adequate amount of sleep for overall health. We have a biological clock ticking inside us all the time, so these factors contribute to our health. If the cycle is disrupted, it can lead to physical and mental distress.
It’s common for people to opt for home remedies when dealing with any sort of digestive discomfort or pain. While kitchen spices and remedies can offer help to some extent, it’s better to consult a gastroenterologist to address issues early and prevent them from escalating. As they say, “A nudge at the seed saves a lot of trouble later.” Paying attention to your dietary habits and monitoring changes through regular blood tests or habit tracking can help you prevent such problems. By being proactive and seeking professional advice, you can avoid serious health issues and continue to enjoy good food and a vibrant life. Stay healthy and keep your digestive system in check to ensure a better quality of life.
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