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Dengue Fever Guide: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment

Dengue Fever
July 26, 2024
Amandeep Hospital

Have your gums been bleeding? Mild bleeding takes place sometimes when you hurt gums by brushing your teeth too hard or with a hard toothbrush, but if it occurs for no apparent reason, there could be an altogether different reason for that: dengue. But then, this is not the only symptom of dengue. A person infected with the dengue-causing virus could be suffering from either or all of the symptoms of dengue that we will discuss subsequently in this article.

ARTICLE: Before proceeding to discuss the symptoms of dengue and the reasons behind contracting dengue, let us try to understand what dengue is, how it occurs, and the medication for dengue fever. For a better understanding of the topic, we shall also discuss it in Hindi.


Before discussing the symptoms of dengue and medication for dengue fever, let’s understand how dengue is transmitted.


Dengue (उच्चारित डेंगी) is a vector-borne disease caused when a carrier Aedes-Aegypti mosquito bites a person. The mosquito becomes the carrier of the dengue-causing virus when it bites a person infected with this virus, which is transmitted to another person through its bite. If you are wondering how to find out if you are suffering from dengue, this fever has its own share of telltale symptoms.


Beginning almost a week or ten days after a person gets bitten, dengue symptoms bear the semblance of the flu, because of which these include

1. Body ache
2. Rashes
3. Splitting headache
4. Excruciating pain behind the eyes
5. Nausea
6. High fever
7. Pain in the joints

Let’s try to understand these in simple Hindi.

डेंगू के लक्षण: डेंगू के लक्षण अक्सर एडीज़ एजिप्टी मच्छर द्वारा काटे जाने के सात से दस दिन बाद सामने आते हैं जिन में निम्न शामिल हैं:

1. शरीर में दर्द
2. चकत्ते
3. सिर में तेज दर्द
4. आंखों के पीछे असहनीय दर्द
5. जी मिचलाना
6. तेज बुखार
7. जोड़ों में दर्द

Dengue ke symptoms से ही अक्सर पता चल जाता है कि एक व्यक्ति इस से संक्रमित है। लेकिन इस के निदान के लिए केवल Dengue ke symptoms पर ही भरोसा नहीं करना चाहिए। क्यूंकि डेंगू जानलेवा हो सकता है इस लिए एक अच्छे डॉक्टर से संपूर्ण चेकअप और परीक्षण करवा के इसका इलाज करवाना चाहिए।


Occurring in three stages, the first, or febrile, stage of dengue is characterized by high fever, nausea, loss of appetite, pain around the eyes, and, in some cases, swelling of the upper portion of the respiratory tract, among other symptoms, including body ache. तीन चरणों में होने वाले डेंगू के पहले या ज्वरीय चरण में तेज़ बुखार, मतली, भूख न लगना, आँखों के आसपास दर्द, तथा कुछ मामलों में श्वसन पथ के ऊपरी हिस्से में सूजन के अलावा शरीर में दर्द सहित अन्य डेंगू के लक्षण अथवा Dengue ke Symptoms होते हैं।


The best way to confirm or negate the onset of dengue in a person is through a blood test advised by a doctor. In this, a healthcare professional collects a sample of blood from a patient with the help of a needle and syringe. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for testing to check if any viruses or antibodies characteristic of dengue fever are present in the patient’s blood.


No. Dengue cannot be spread by touch. However, if the Aedes-Aegypti mosquito bites a person infected with the dengue virus and then another person, it is likely to transmit the dengue virus to him.

WILL DENGUE SPREAD: As discussed above, dengue is transmitted only through the bite of an infected Aedes-Aegypti mosquito. The threat of contagion is directly proportional to the increase in the number of dengue cases and the unsanitary conditions that lead to increased breeding of the carrier mosquitoes.


Consulting a doctor always helps, as he is the right person to prescribe the best medication for dengue fever. Paracetamol is usually given to treat the fever in cases of dengue. Other than that, an infected person should take:

1. Proper rest
2. Plenty of fluids
3. A healthy, iron-rich diet

CONCLUSION: It is always better to prevent the occurrence of dengue than treat it when it occurs. This can be done by maintaining proper sanitary conditions in and around you to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, besides ensuring adequate measures to prevent them from entering your house. Pest control and the use of mosquito nets in the summer and monsoon seasons always help, as does boosting your immunity with a nourishing diet. Keep those mosquitoes at bay and enjoy a dengue-free life. All the best!

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